Friday, September 2, 2011

This is another independent singer

This guy just say everything about my profession, nothing else to include on it... just perfect xD. And he sings really well, congrats dude!!! Talking about singing... 私はうたができない!!! x__x" (I can't sing!!!)

It seens we (engineers) are far more effective killing people than docs

This is a charge I saw in this site and though it very funny. Thanks for share this site up with us, Nathy (via twitter)!!! =)
If you can't understand, I made some translation here:
Devil: "What do you want to be, Caim?"
Caim: "Engineer!"
Caim: "I've already though be doc but..."
Caim: "Doc when get some mistake just kills only one!"

Pac-Man Dumplings Make for Adorable Dim Sum

There are people who just don't have what to do, I'm not criticizing then or even complaining about... actually I support these people because they do everything missing in my life... creativity!!! I wish I had more spare time to do things like this, just to improve my talents (I mean, if I have one) =S

Pac-Man Dumplings